The kollegium has alot of open committees, where everybody can join right away and contribute. These committees are responsible for the larger arrangements or manage the many common facilties of which all residents have access to. Everyone can make their own committee.
There are also some committees responsible for administration and running the kollegium. You have to be elected by other residents to join one of these.
Open committees.. Elected residents..
Forretningsudvalget (FU)
Kontaktudvalget (KU)
Arrangementsudvalget (AU) is responsible for the larger arrangements. Standup comedy etc. and the 6 big parties every year.
Billardklubben manages the billiardroom. Every can join and gain access.
Café Irgens is the kollegium café. Only residents on egmont can visit. The Cafécommittee is responsible for these, and everyone is welcome to join and try out the art of bartending.
E! is the kollegium newspaper. Everyone can join and contribute with material.
Girafudvalget (GU) is a committee responsible for welcoming new residents. When you move in, you will get an invitation (within som months) to a dinner/party, along with all other new resident. Everyone can join the Girafudvalg to give new residents a good start and to meet new people.
Motionsklubben is the workoutcommittee. They primarily manage access to a workoutroom in the basement, which contain all sorts of workout machines.
Musica manages the building containing music instruments and practice rooms. There are several nice pianos and a room for bands to play.
Netværksudvalget is the networkcommittee. They are responsible for keeping the IT structure on egmont alive and kicking.
Sportsudvalget is the sportscommittee. They are primarily focused on the yearly "kollegium-soccer-tournament".